
Michael Astill has been living and creating in Manitoba for over 20 years. The past 15 years he has made Ile des Chenes his home. Most of the work he makes is fired in a kiln he built in 2006.   A creator of functional ceramics, Michael places the importance of use as highly as the aesthetic of the work.  He has spent his career utilizing the atmosphere in woodfired kilns to create work with a subtle beauty that encourages handling and contemplation

The Woodkiln

Mike firing the wood kiln in Ile des Chenes early spring 2017

The woodfiring process creates stunning results with each pot touched by fire and ash.  The kiln master understands the importance of the placement of each piece in the kiln to attain the desired results. 


Michael Astill  has always been a maker. His interest in texture, surface and functionality drew him to clay and it’s endless palette.  He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Manitoba. His interest in clay has taken him around the world to Denmark, Japan, Spain and USA to study and explore.